Monday, April 30, 2007

We are great if we believe in ourselves with muddy feet and all...

When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds; your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be. By Patanjali

Belief, faith and trust.... three very hard and at times difficult things to do and have when we are in the throes of the 3rd-4th dimensional exsistence. We get lot of information are bombarded by huge amounts of very positive advise and assistance, but at times even the hardiest soul must falter and doubt if not the information then their own sanity and that of others. I know from my own personal experience that to be so and I must say my Guides and Team must have the patience of the Saints and their unconditional Love would surely be tested to the limits when I start kicking, screaming and spitting poison at them and life. I have visualized myself falling into a large, muddy hole on my path and rolled around like a little, pink piggie feeling sorry for myself and making such noise that me thinks even Mother/Father Creator Energy would slap a pair of earmuffs on as to lessen the impact of the racket on their Heavenly eardrums.

Eventually as I have had my fill of sulking, swearing and trying to drown my own sorry arse into the mire I finally stand up and shake myself free from the muddy goop and look up. Lo and behold, but whom do I see... Hark.... it is, but my Guides standing by the hole waiting for moi to extract myself from the sticky and dark sorry- for- myself substance. Aaahhh.... "DON'T give me a hand I CAN get up there by myself" I mumble as I start climbing up the slimy and slippery of my sorry- for- myself hole. Well... after numerous attempts to climb up and finding myself sliding down I sit and ponder should I roll around in the muck some more, but come to a conclusion that am bored with the whole hole and need to get up into the sun again. I manifest The Great Mountain Climbing Boots onto my muddy feet and some large railway nails and climb I do. After fair bit of mumbling, some more swearing and huffing and puffing I finally start to emerge out of the hole as my boots and the spikes keep me from slipping down again. The large railway nails help me to have more grip and FINALLY I emerge from the hell hole I so willingly almost jumped into. As I finally reach the edge and I slam the nail after the other over the edge to haul myself out I notice with some smugness that my friend Lazarus jumps backward as not to get nailed to the ground by his toes. Hmph, he'd have some sharing to do of his experience with the good 'ol Sanada... I muse as I finally pull myself out of the hole and stand up facing my Guides and Friends a tad sheepishly at my own silly stuff. Their faces are lit up with wide grins as they try and not laugh out as their Earthly charge finally stands with them again. As I admit and understand my reasoning for my fall and the consequent lesson that I had just over come the selfsorry, muddy critter dissapears and I am washed clean and dried by the sun as I stand and smile, shaking my head.

What is there to do, but turn toward the path leading me home again and hand in hand walk along with my good and dear friends and soulmates in the higher dimension and maybe even sing a song or two.... till the next fall and as THEY have said at times am sure " Ooops, here we go again..." and all they can see are my heals dissapearing into the hole and hear a lot of racket.

What is it with a human nature ( well, at least with mine)... we JUST can't seem to give ourseves a break, but have to work like Hercules at making it as difficult as possible and the path as winding and as full of obstacles as we possibly can. Beats me.... I have a whole wardrobe of mountain climbing boots and other tools to assist me out of my swampy mire and mountanious holes as I tend to identify with Shrek at times instead of the Earth Angels and one day ( fingers crossed) I'll earn my wings as I traverse my path with the boots slung over my shoulder, the pickaxe in one hand and the shovel in the other. My companions gracefully allow me my swamps and the holes as I deal with my negative side and they are ever ready to help if I happen to ask when my own ego does not prevent me from doing so. The wise part of me sometimes slaps the ego face down side up and and asks for assist and I do receive it post haste most of the time. Thank you my patient and loving companions, without you this journey would be totally with my nose scraping the road all the way home.

There is a saying that gives me some hope, heheh....

It is in self-limitation that a Master first shows himself..... By J.W Von.Goethe

Wonder if he had the same road as it seems the road well travelled, heh....:-)


Phoenix said...

the road is well travelled only by some dear Butterfly13
see you 'round the corner!

Butterfly13 said...

Yep, I will be there around the corner and as my numerous companions on that road would attest it indeed is well travelled by many, few escape the trials as I wondered about my friend's father whom stated that his life had always been easy. Plenty of money, good family, great wife, and a great job which gave him luxury, travel all over the world and arrogance that came with the silverspoon style of life. As he stated he never had any real trials and as he had always aimed for the stars he got that as his life of 76 years had been one of ease and comfort...

All of a sudden it started to hit the fan in most major ways and last 5 years has seen him lose his only daughter, lose his beloved wife and almost lose his only son to an assault. With lot of prayers and pure will of his son's soul and skills of his treating team his son survived and thus he was left one member of his immediate family with him. The ease had dissapeared as the learning took place and he fell into a hole. It took him a lot of will and courage to lose the need for dying and he is far less arrogant and more loving person nowdays.

So the road continues on and the potholes are there for our learning and test of will and courage, but I must say I rather would have smaller ones scattered along the way than one gigantic one waiting for me at the end of the road. That is my perception, eh.

Life is one of wonder and adventure... I just might put on the rollerblades and get some speed up and skate right over 'em holes... what ya think? :-)