Thursday, April 19, 2007

Today I and all my Families will be blessed with a Little Star

I am sitting here @ an early hours of a very cool morning as I woke up excited and could not go back to sleep. So I created this Blog to honor the birth of my little grand daughter today. She's readying herself to come into this world this very moment as her Mummy will be having her today with her Daddy present at her arrival. Her big brother Joshua and I will go to the Zoo to pass the time and have some one on one precious time with his Mummi.

Grandchildren are most precious of gifts this world has bestowed on me. Joshua is a most amazing little boy of four and a half years of age. He has always had his ' invisible friends' with him. His mother told me of the times when he was a toddler and he communicated with a little girl, waving to her as he was driven off by his mum to go shopping. He'd point her out to his mummy, but to no avail as his mummy could not see what Josh could with his innocent and clear eyes. Now he talks with his friends and plays with them as a natural part of his young life and I am ever so glad his parents just treat it as part of his life instead of trying to squash his perceptions.

I have a strong feeling that the little girl was Amelia, his sister waiting patiently for her turn to be present on this Earth in physical and so she spent time with her brother and her family to get to know them again as she would have known them in Spirit. Today she will finally arrive.

Joshua continues to communicate, play and share with his friends and companions and I know one of them at least would be his Spirit Guide the special, chosen one that accompanies all from the day of their birth to this world and it usually is one's Twin Soul stayed behind to learn, accompany and care for the one present in the physical. Hmmmm... my family is expanding in all realms of the higher energy today. I only won't have a New Little Star in physical, but I will also enjoy the blessed presence of those whom accompany her to this realm of Light and Dark, the place of Dualities from the higher octaves of the Universal Energy. I welcome them to this Family of Earth Peoples and Forever Young Souls whole heartedly and am honored and ever so grateful to be blessed so by all of their presence.

Welcome to the World and onto the Earth Little Star and know you are much, much Loved and eagerly waited for by us all. We Love you. We will adventure together and share the Journey as only a grandmother and a grand daughter can.

Your Mummi and your friend forever.

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