Sunday, April 22, 2007

....more on a Little Star

Well, she arrived on Friday evening after she made us all wait for a whole day even if the C-section was scheduled for 11.30 am. Mum had to have units of blood waiting and ready in case needed and lo and behold when they took tests she was found to have rare anti bodies in it ( only 1% humans have it) and thus it took them all day to find it. I suggested to my daughter that might consider blood donations in the future.

Little Star is a beautiful baby and as was noticed she has little pixie ears and is dainty little fairy girl with round cheeks and a quiet manner. Mum and the bub are at home now well and happy after my daughter decided she had had enough after not sleeping well and wanted to go home. The doctors and the nurses tried to talk her out of it, but knowing my head strong daughter she just said " I am going and that is that!" The midwife will visit at home to check on both. It was less than 48 hours and the medical staff were concerned, but after last one the same thing happened and that time mum and the son thrived in their own environment with dad's loving care.

Being a grandma is a gift and it is nice to be able to have the fun and not the hard work thought. It is indeed a young persons job being a parent to the future generations as I am far too old to run around all day after the busy bees. I can vouch for that after looking after my grandson for the whole of one day. With a great relief I arrived at the hospital around 9 pm to drop off my grandson to see his new baby sister and his parents. WHEWWWWW..... I absolutely cannot fathom how the older women in their 50's and older cope with their newborns and toddlers as I definitely would expire and take a journey into the spirit realm. I am 52 and one day is more than plenty at one time thank you. How do those grandparents cope whom look after their grandchildren on either part or full time basis when the parents work. Am afraid am not in that league as I have been there done that with the 3 I have and am afraid I leave the responsibility of bringing up their children to them and selfcenterdly I want to have fun and give them back when good and ready. I want to have a special kind of relationship with my grandchildren which does not include becoming a substitute parent to them and taking on the task bringing them up as I think happens in a full time care. I used to work professionally as a child care worker in a very good Center so I have some knowledge of children and the care provided. Nah... Mummi just wants to enjoy and have fun as well as love 'em and then leave them when both parties need their own space. We will become friends, buddies and co- conspirators as the young ones grow and blossom and not forgetting the camping trips, star gazing, telling each other of our dreams and hopes and have a good hugs and share stories of Mummi's childhood and youth.

Good life with lots of good things even if the terrors continue in the world. Let's not get too caught up in them and add into the energy of them. Let's instead look at the life as it is and is meant to be after all the positive will win the day ... it cannot be another way as it is far stronger energy in the end. Let's have that energy and add to it and be part of a Revolution of Love and Positive Energy to best of our abilities.... that is all anyone including ourselves can ask of us.

Selamat Ja! ( Sirian for Be in Joy) :-)

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