Monday, October 1, 2007

Winging it.....

Howdy and so on.... Dear Diary.

I am sitting here a little blank and almost in a zombie mode as I am sort of out of my body in my state of DON'T CARE, DON'T KNOW AND DON'T GIVE A DAMN. Plans seem to have this funny way of going way out of the of the order and am just shrugging my shoulders and throwing my hands in the air.

Last few weeks I have been planning to go to QLD to visit my family and friends.... well that's outta window it seems as I have now just no interest at this moment and I am suppose to drive off on the 1st of November. Finances, work, health and general dis-interest are standing in my way like a bloody brick wall that I just could not be bothered to climb over at the moment. I COULD get over it, but it just seems like too much bother at the moment. What is it in plans and me that when I plan they tend to stand on the head in the end and nothing seems to come out of them and when I don't plan life just seems to sweep me along in it's own rhythm and pace and I am just floating along doing whatever it is that I am doing at the time.

So I have resolved to wing it as the Masters are supposedly doing and just see way the River of My Life takes me. Surprises as long as they are pleasant and bring joy are good so this is what I am resolving in getting.... bugger, but that is a plan, too. Oh well, I will just sit and wait. Eventually the Heavens will show me the way I am suppose to travel. It seems I am in a sort of Hiatus at the moment. Quite before the storm is it or is it the eye of the storm...? I don't mind storms as long as they have a moderate power to cleanse and re-new a tired and worn out energy and replace the heavy and seemingly pointless existence with something fresh, new and vibrant. Blow the cobwebs out of one's life and being and wake me up from the deep slumber I seem to fall into every so often. It is time for the quite and then time for the action.

The World just keeps on turning and I on it with countless others whom also feel sleepy and lame. I actually don't care and don't find it too disturbing. It's like I have been placed inside a cocoon and am kept somewhat separate and all the sounds and surrounds seem muffled and separated from me. I look, but am removed from the masses and last week and this week am truly removed as am not even going to work, but am impulsed to stay home and cocoon myself so totally that even being in the shops to get milk is almost impossibly trying. What is going on in the World and especially in mine?

My higher friends Leyla and Zach have been quiet and very un-noticed. Hmmm.... talk about integrating totally or then they have whamoozed into the higher realms as this one could kill any kind and jovial soul full of oomph and zest for life. Oh well, whatevv-verr-rr I say.... I am ju-ust going to enjoy my days of rest, re-coup and cocooning. Maybe am just flying over the cocoo's nest and have fallen in without noticing it.... YOH!!!!!

BF13 :-)

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