Sunday, August 5, 2007

More mish and mash....with miracles and Butterflies...

My Goodness I must say I have had a busy few days. My friend and a soul- sister flew in on Wednesday evening and we had dinner the following evening with a old friend of ours and my Hosemate. The old friend has picked on my heart strings for quite awhile, but I doubt he'd know or feel the same heart connection as I do, but as we are of a same soul family the connection is deep and lasting no other way about it. Friend of mine a while back took our birth dates and calculated and drew lines and told me we were of the same soul family. Well, it was an explanation for the close and at times attractive connection, but it seems that this man I feel very deeply for is not the river that would take me home as such as he does not seem to feel the same love connection to me as I do to him. Such is life and we cannot push the river even if we ever so wanted to and I have as life and destiny are their own Masters. At times one feels as if the life and love are part of Murphy's Law and who knows someone else meant for me could just be around the corner, waiting to meet me. Soul-mates are many in this life and one of the psychics in one of the magazines said I would re-marry one day. To love someone is an amazing gift to forward to that person no matter what as they will receive that energy no matter even if they are not aware of receiving such. It will never hurt, but bless and lighten their days and lives as the energy of Love is the strongest and most healing energy to be received and what a gift from a heart it is to those receiving it. It may also be returned without the concious awarness and the energy vibrates back and forth like a golden, warm, sunny waves, healing and bonding those hearts involved.

My soul- sister will be leaving tomorrow morning to fly back to her soul-mate and a lover. The wedding will follow in next couple of years and am hoping mine will join me in time for that amazing celebration. I am missing my friend already, but we will drive up to visit her and family hopefully next month as both my house-mate and I want to also have a bit of a tour to see what gives as far as moving at least for awhile. I think I need to get away from hopeless and confusing situations in my life and hopefully clear my head from cobwebs of this life and it's experiences including seemingly unreturned love.

Ho-hum what a dreary and hopeless feel to this Blog.... heheh. I am not as heart broken as I sound, just little melancholic and wishing not to have to drag myself through the muddy waters of my own making as I slosh in waves of my emotions. SIGH!!!!!

Love and it's many splendid things.... and like what are they I ask.... hmmmm. Learning, more learning and so it goes.....

I pray my Guides and Father/Mother God/ess will bring me through this stinging and smarting stormy affair of my heart and lead me to the still waters of a safe and a sunny harbour. I will wait for the miracle.

Miracles and Butterflies,

BF13 :-)

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