Thursday, June 7, 2007


I have been ill with the virus going around and am starting to get better slowly as the virus works it's way out of my body. Had to attend my course last evening as I had to hand over two assignments and do a presentation.

As I came home and got into my jamas and a warm cardi I sat down in the living room to have a cuppa and a bite to eat as my house mate was doing the same. As we both sat and munched I had a strange feeling come over me. I was as if not quite present in this world, but not quite present in any other dimension either. Had very wispy and fleeting flashes of impressions like memories flash through, but could not quite catch them, but I knew they were not of this dimension, but another I was almost in. It was an oddest of sensations and it took me awhile to really ground myself back into this reality. As I did I told my friend about it and felt as if something phenomenal had happened. It was as if I was walking ( sitting) between the Worlds, one foot in one and another in the other and then just simply stayed a second or two in what my friend called a ' limbo land' till I was fully present here again.

I was amazed as it was a first time I had experienced such so strongly and I felt we are in the verge of moving fully to the higher dimension and that I was experiencing the higher dimensional Earth and this one at the same time thus one foot in one the other in another. There seems to be like a void in between and that's where I was for awhile before fully merging with this reality again. I obviously have been there before as my fleeting memories seemed to suggest, just could not catch them. No fear, just feelings of familiarity and surprise.

Interesting and I hope feelings continue to get stronger and the experiences grow clearer including the memories.

Aaah... I have asked to have a teacher sent to me that could inspire me to a new and fresh learning and growth as I felt I was stuck somewhere between 'who cares and I am not feeling the spark' land as far as my spiritual learning is concerned and this gave me a little light at the end of the tunnel. I am waiting for the Universe to show me the way and for the Teacher/Guide to arrive whom can inspire me to the new and the fresh bubbles of joyous discovery of life and all things of spirit again. Seems am stuck in the same ol', same ol' rut and have lost the oomph and the zing of the times gone when everything was such a wonder. I used to have these bubbles of joy and excitement build up and grow within as I discovered something new that felt true and resonated with me in the deepest of the inner levels and I knew then that what I was learning and discovering was true and right for me. Those bubbles have somehow gone a little flat and I feel I need an inspiration and such little experiences give me that little bit of hope all is not lost somewhere in the mire of my mind and 3rd-4th dimensional mire. Let's hope not and the inspiration I am wanting will light up my way again sooner rather than later.

May the joy and new discoveries make you heart sing and not sink.

Butterfly 13

1 comment:

Phoenix said...

yes dear Butterfly13, I know how you feel. There are times I slip into a picture/memory/feeling of somewhere/sometime other than here and now. It's beeing here but seeing elsewhere and knowing it's a placethat you've been but can't explain
Arcurian Songbird