Thursday, May 10, 2007


Friends, the amazing people and beings that we could not live without and even if we could we would not want to. I have been fortunate to have some whom are amazingly strong, resourceful, generous, caring, honest, balanced and loyal, down to Earth People who's hearts are as large as a Universe and beyond, whom are fiercely independent,brave and creative people. I have indeed being blessed many times over. When I falter, have a moody day, think of going and eating a can of worms, go crazy in the crazy world or just need a sounding board these Friends step up onto the stage of my of life and share the journey with me. We have laughed till our sides ache and the clouds have disappeared from the skies of our souls, we have cried till the well of the tears is dry, we have created with our minds, hearts and imaginations that are fruitful, brave and open. We also share our fears, joys, trials and hopes with an uncanny honesty and believing that we are understood and secure in the knowledge that we don't have to worry about being judged or though silly or vain.

A Friend is a person or a being you can totally be yourself with and stand in your own truth and know you have those souls right beside you. I thank you my Friends for giving me the most precious gift I could only receive from you. Your caring, sharing and the laughter along with your support, encouragement, empathy, wisdom, honesty and loyalty means I am still sane. I would not want to be without you my Friends ever in my life for it would sound hollow and empty and be cold and misty grey. You add the sunlight moments, the warm summer rain and the giggles at jumping the puddles as we adventure along side by side on our paths of life and love.

Adios Amigos, Viva La Viva "Long Live Life", Sisterhood of Wa,Wa,Wa .... :-)


Do not walk in front of me for I may not follow

Do not walk behind me for I may not lead

But walk beside me and share my journey and be my friend.


Phoenix said...

all I can add to this dear Butterfly13 is if you reealy want to go and eat a can of worms (must admit i've never had such exotic yearnings)you have my blessing to do so and you can tell me what they tasted like next time we meet.
In the mean time our friendship and energetic connection can continue to flourish.
Arcturian Songbird
from the Sisterhod of Wa Wa Wa

Butterfly13 said...

Yep, am thinking of jelly snakes... the Natural, no preservaties kind at this very moment.

Lyran Butterfly 13 from the Sisterhood of Wa Wa WA