Friday, February 29, 2008

I am back! It has been awhile, but things go on as do with our lives. I have been through a wringer as one would say and I have finally decided that am O.K... enough of a Martyrship. Hey things happen in one's life and to try and do like write this stuff is pretty amazing . I have been told my 'creativity' is at it's peak and I thought ..." HuH" what the WAHT the H.ll that means. I decide to take what I had learned a very long time ago and I started crocheting. A long time ago I did learn how to do it and so I decided it is about time I re-visit it again. Well... too true my creativity and long forgotten skill did come back. So here I am crocheting again. A very good friend of mine said that you are absolutely amazing how you can finish of a pair of slippers within hours and they actually fit. Heheh.... I am my past, present and the future... the old skills come back if needed. VOILA! Am happy.... yet WHAT the hell is not quite right????? Am missing someone whom is right next to me yet NOT quite there... YET. Oh well, such is the 3rd diemsional life....

I saw pictures in the National Geographic of so called " Little People" and after a second or two I exclaimed " They look like Peter" a friend of mine in another realm and I had a distinct visual someone nearly choking on a drink of some sort and a real instant picture of someone standing next to me and looking. After few seconds he just said " you really think so..?" My dear friend in another realm wanted to check it out as it was him I was talking about.

Well.... yes it held a likness of him and he gave me a smootch and told me he loved me and held a small smile. Dear ol' Peter of the Universal Lot... an Emperor of all things... Lyran if am not too wrong. He is one of the most amazing peoples I have had a pleasure of knowing, not at all 'proud' yet is. He's bawld as an egg yet one of the most handsome of men I have ever had a pleasure or dis-pleasure of seeing plus he's just an amazing Leader of the whole ship he commands... and the respect he gets. Just reminds me of something about the real Leader of doing it by his/her example not by what he says.

I remember visitng him on his ship and he showed me the Earth from the distance. What a beautifull Jewel it indeed is and he ever so gently just walked to a 'window' and said " you always wanted to see this, so come and have a look". I did and I saw a most beautiful sight, no BS. Earth from the Space looks like a most beautiful jewel in the darkness of the rest and it absolutely and definetly won't be ' destroyed' in any manner or form for it is only one of the younger planets, I felt like saying a Star for indeed we live on this most beautifull "Star".

I love You " Peter" for showing me the total beauty and grace of this planet. I feel safe for myself and I feel safe in the knowledge that WE ALL whom are sharing this place here on this Earth and beyond will be O.K. VOILA.... we WILL continue and we WILL not go quitley into the night!

So, I AM and so I WILL be and go on like the rest of the all fo You whom share this. All for One and One for ALL here Babes.... WE WILL NOT GO QUIET into the night for we will SURVIVE... and Babes HOW!!

BF 13

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